Monday, June 21, 2010

I was enjoying a beautiful summer afternoon, and after glimpsing at the sky, I started staring- like I often do- and this came out..

There's a Highway in the sky
with a great road paved with blue expanse
and the cars are made of moisture,
but these giants don't putter
they SAIL, drift, and c r e e p
in whatever path they please.

There are no red lights up there,
just green.
And in the traffic,when pavement's cluttered,
there's no honking- no exhaust-
plenty of room to breath.

There's an atlas in the sky made of dreams
and the pages are golden and red and purple.
Each of us navigates using the molten lamp that slowly sinks.

And when the power goes out above us,
there are softer lights that awaken.
And a sleepy, glowing Rock conducts our dreams
to the farthest reaches of the dark deep
and the glitter where we long to be.

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